2 weeks of 22 Hard Corp complete! 

Just finished my second full week of Beachbody’s 22 Hard Corps program and I’m loving it still!  The workouts are quick, hard and over before you quit.  I missed yesterday so I had to do a double this morning. The best part was that I still finished in less than an hour. One of the workouts in Cardio 2 is called a water bug. The final set is 25 reps! When working out at home I have the tendency to stop before the workout is actually done. To give myself an extra push I recorded the 25 rep set and finished! I gues I’m stronger than I thought. Push yourself further everyday and you will be amazed at how far you will go! 

22 Minute Hard Corps Workout Reveiw and Sample Meal Plan

So far I have completed the Cardio 1, Core 1 and Resistance 1 workouts for the 22 Minute Hard Corps and I am loving the program!  I do not have much coordination so the simple, basic workout moves used in this program are perfect for me.  The workouts are easy to follow, effective and over just when I think I might need to modify or take a break.  I definitely recommend having a pull-up bar for this to get the full benefit.  I put my feet in resistance bands attached to my bar so I can follow along with all the repetitions.  My back is very sore after only one 22 minute resistance workout.

The first two days on the diet went pretty good but I didn’t plan my carbs very well and went over by one container.  Last night I sat down with a pen while packaging my food for the day and dialed my nutrition in.  Here is an example of what I ate today:

Meal 1: Oatmeal Banana Protein Bake with Chia Seeds(1 Red, 1 purple, 1 Yellow, 1 Orange)

Meal 2: Beef Stew over brown rice and spinach (1 Red, 1 Green, 1 Yellow)

Meal 3: Egg Muffins, Romaine Lettuce Salad with Bell peppers, Reduced Fat Shredded Cheddar and Salsa for Dressing (2 Greens, 1 Red, 1 Blue)

Meal 4: Gala Apple and 4 tsp Almond Butter (1 Purple, 4 Oil)

Meal 5: 6 oz. Grilled Chicken Breast, Broccoli, Sweet Potato (1 1/2 Red, 1 Green, 1 Yellow)

Meal 6: 1/2 Scoop Chocolate Casein Protein powder mixed with 1/4 cup unsweetened cashew milk and decaf coffee with 1 packet stevia (1/2 Red)

Totals:  5 Red, 4 Green, 3 Yellow, 2 Purple, 1 Blue, 4 Oil, 1 Orange


I am following plan 2 for nutrition because my goal is to maintain my weight while building muscle.  I think the biggest key to success is planning out your nutrition the day before.  You cannot out work a bad diet and figuring out how to fit in all your colored containers is easier when done a full day at a time.  It is kind of like building a puzzle.



Day 1 of 22 Hard Corps

Today marks day one of an eight week fitness challenge I’m starting. We are following beachbodies 22 minute hard core program.

I’m leading a challenge group on Facebook of over 15 individuals following the same program and we all started today.

My plan is to blog my journey and give an honest review of the program. The challenge pack we purchased included the eight week fitness program DVDs, access to all of our workouts online through beachbody on demand, a detailed nutrition plan with portion control containers and one month supply of shakeology. We were able to get all of that for only $140 on my beachbody website. The added bonus for all my customers is me as their personal coach!

Day one starts off with the PT test that includes jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, squat thrust and a plank hold. You had one minute to complete as many reps as possible in each exercise with the exception of the plank, which you had to hold for your maximum time. I completed 30 push-ups, 40 squat thrust with a 10 pound dumbbells, one pull-up, 75 jumping jacks and a two minute and 18 seconds plank hold.  My husband and kids also did the PT test with me so it was a lot of fun!

Today’s workout was a 22 minute cardio video and then an eight minute core video. I completed it on lunch with some friends at work in only 30 minutes.  I meal prep yesterday and planned out our food for the day. It’s 6 PM and we’re still on track with our nutrition for the day. If you’re curious what I eat each day you can find me on MyFitnessPal username Nicole_J.

So far I really like the program. The workouts seem quick and effective in the nutrition is easy to follow.


getting ready to start day one workout streaming it on demand


Took leftover beef stew and put it over spinach and brown rice. Equals one red container, one yellow container, and one green


This is what our fridge looked like Sunday night after I did all of our food prep